Rabu, 06 November 2013

Stop Webcam Child Sex Tourism

VIDEO [CC] - Stop Webcam Child Sex Tourism - Help Us Help The Kids Behind Cams.

Terre des Hommes Nederland - Watch how 10 year old Sweetie and other webcam girls track 1.000 pedosexuals in 2 months time. Help us help the kids behind cams. Sign the petition here: http://avaaz.org/en/wcst/

“When I was in the Philippines, I saw the damaging effect webcam sex tourism has on these children. Their feelings of self worth and their views on sexuality were completely distorted” says Terre des Hommes’ psychologist Guusje Havenaar.

The Terre des Hommes research team was helped by a fictitious, virtual 10-year old called Sweetie. As soon as this girl showed her virtual face in freely accessible chat programs, numerous adult men would contact her. Within seconds, Sweetie received dozens of requests for online sex.

The rich adult usually defines ‘the market’ of webcam child sex tourism. Money is scarce in many developing countries and practically every request by webcam will be conceded, however perverse. The growing popularity of the Internet and mobile telephony in developing countries makes it possible to meet the rise in demand. Poverty is the main reason why these children are being molested online. For more background information on this new phenomenon, visit www.youtube.com/sweetie.

According to the FBI and the UN, 750,000 perpetrators worldwide engage in webcam child sex tourism at any given moment. In contrast: only 6 perpetrators have been convicted since 2007. This has to change. Protect the children from webcam child sex tourists. Sign the petition here: http://avaaz.org/en/wcst/

Follow Terre des Hommes aka Sweetie

Official website: http://www.terredeshommes.nl/




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