Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

KODA Girl In Kindergarten Holiday Concert

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO [CC] - The video has been going viral... S-A-N-T-A: Adorable girl signs kindergarten holiday concert for Deaf parents.

CLEARWATER, FL. - (NBC News) - A "fake" sign language interpreter at Nelson Mandela's memorial prompted one Deaf mom to show the world how it's really done.

Very entertaining video of a KODA (kid of deaf adults) enthusiastically singing holiday songs using sign language and animated facial expressions. Watch this and it would be the best 3:40 minutes you've spent in your day.

Lori Putney Koch of Clearwater, Fla., on Wednesday tweeted that her 5-year-old daughter, Claire, did a better job signing for her Deaf parents at a kindergarten holiday concert at Plumb Elementary School.

In the too-cute video posted on YouTube, Claire (in the middle, with the blonde hair) can be seen singing along with her classmates while signing in American Sign Language. Her animated facial expressions are just Claire being herself, her mom told TODAY Moms: "She is full of personality and spunk, that's the Claire we know."

The video also caught the eye of actress Marlee Matlin, who is Deaf.

Both Koch, who works as a business analyst at ZVRS, a video relay service company for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and her husband, Tom, who runs his own SCUBA business, were born Deaf. Claire and her sister, 2-year-old Charlotte, can hear, Koch said, but have been exposed to American Sign Language since birth. "It is our first language in our household," she told TODAY via email.

"Claire used sign language in the play because she was considerate of us and wanted us to understand the lyrics to the song," Koch said. "She was signing to her parents, looking right into my iPhone as she knew I was recording her. We don't use our daughter as an interpreter, but if there is something we missed, she would likely relay it to us."

Koch said there's a community of KODA, Kids of Deaf Adults (or CODA, Children of Deaf Adults), who are enthusiastically applauding Claire's lively performance.

Meanwhile, the interpreter at Nelson Mandela's funeral has told a Johannesburg newspaper that he was experiencing a schizophrenia episode during the funeral. His gibberish sign language outraged Deaf people around the world. ... Read more: http://www.today.com/moms/s-n-t-adorable-girl-signs-kindergarten-holiday-concert-deaf-2D11729731

You can check out "S-A-N-T-A" by Super Simple Learning here: http://youtu.be/mGAYzlqj-aE - Thank you for making the S-A-N-T-A song and all the other great music videos you have to offer for kids!

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KODA Girl In Kindergarten Holiday Concert

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