Jumat, 13 September 2013

Changing The Way Deaf People Bank

VIDEO [ASL/CC] - Your bank. Changing the way Deaf people bank from SignVideo.

John runs a conservation wildlife park in Scotland. In this video he tells us how, as a Deaf customer, going into a bank used to be a stressful and at times embarrassing experience. He explains how using the SignVideo link to speak to an interpreter online makes a massive difference. Today he can speak with the bank independently, privately and without any of the stress that was previously attached.

Our customers have always given us the best ideas, so we've launched Your Bank, a new online community where you can share your ideas. If you've got an idea, share it at www.yourbank.barclays.co.uk

You can find the full article on Sign Video at https://www.yourbank.barclays.co.uk/t5/Your-ideas-brought-to-life/Sign-Video-Changing-the-way-deaf-people-bank/ba-p/810.

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