Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Deaf Family Survivors Oklahoma Tornado

VIDEO [ASL/CC] - Deaf family tells amazing story of survival. James Lee, lost home in Monday's Oklahoma monster tornado.

MOORE, OKLAHOMA - The Lee family's home was destoryed during tornado in Moore, Okla., Dawnita, James, Josh Lee rode out storm, but lost home. No early tornado warning, James Lee is Deaf, could not heard sirens or wind. James sped to high school to pick up his son Josh and Lee family's pet cat has disappeared in rubble of home.

James Lee was at work and he had no idea what was going on and saw on TV there was a storm and he was trying to get through his work to get back and get his car because he was in a company car. He came all the way from Edmond trying to get through the traffic and everything. He couldn't get through to them. James couldn't get through.

So his son-in-law called and said his wife was safe and his son was safe. James' mother-in-law confirmed it. They were just so much grief. There needs to be shelters. They need to have basements or cellars or a safe room for their kids in the schools. And They're just so grateful his family was okay. ...READ MORE: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1305/22/sp.01.html

Related Post: Deaf Moore Couple Relies On Each Other, Community

Breaking The Barrier Of The Deaf Community

VIDEO [English Subtitles] - Communication Services: Breaking the Barrier of the Deaf community in Ghana.

ACCRA - About 1% of the population in Ghana has hearing loss. The main challenge for the Deaf community is communicating with the larger society so that they can have proper access to health, education and employment in their country.

The Ghana National Association of the Deaf (GNAD) has the vision to break down communication barriers. They are appealing for the government to recognise sign language as an official language of the Deaf in Ghana.

Related Post:

Wrong Medications Kill Pregnant Deaf Persons

Medical Services - Understanding Deaf Culture

Deaf Moore Couple Relies On Each Other, Community

VIDEO: NBC News - Deaf Moore couple relies on each other, community.

MOORE, OKLAHOMA - Syed Shabbir reports on a Deaf couple in Moore, Okla., who are not only relying on each other after Monday's deadly tornado, but the community as well.


We are the US Deaf Women's National Team

VIDEO [ASL] - We are the US Deaf Women's National Team.

We are the US Deaf Women's National Team. Please help us as we journey to Bulgaria this summer for the 22nd Summer Deaflympics.

We will be attempting to defend our world title and win our third straight Deaflympic Gold Medal.


Visit http://www.usdeafsoccer.com or http://usdeafsoccermates.tumblr.com for more information!

Kitchen Talk: Exclusive Interview With Ricky Taylor

VIDEO [ASL] - SportsMX - Kitchen Talk: Exclusive Interview With Ricky Taylor

The premiere of Kitchen Talk show from SportsMX.

This episode is a special segment called, "The Ugly Truth" where one of our hosts, Bridget Bonheyo, interviews Ricky Taylor (aka Ridor9th) who is known as the most controversial blogger and vlogger in Deaf Community.

KitchenTalk - Episode 4 from SportsMX on Vimeo.

ASL VIDEO: Kitchen Talk :Ricky Taylor

Visit Kitchen Talk - the newest talk show for the Deaf community: http://media.sportsmx.com/video/2013/04/kitchen-talk-episode-1/

SportsMX is an international sports news for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people visit: http://www.sportsmx.com

Official Ricky Taylor's website and Vlogs:

http://ridor.blogspot.com/ and http://www.youtube.com/ridor9th

Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

First Deaf Won Showcase From 'The Price Is Right'

VIDEO [CC] - First Deaf Won Showcase From 'The Price is Right'.

The Price Is RightEddie Buck (Edward) The first Deaf won the showcase on from 'The Price is Right' air from May 20th 2013.

Edward, and his sign language interpreter Matthew, are on the turntable with a shot at winning a Kawaskai STX 15F Jetski (A) from the clutches of Squeeze Play. Winning information: http://www.qwizx.com/tpirepguide/#.UZtfyNgSqSo

Price Is Right-May 20, 2013, Deaf Contestant.

A Deaf contestant got onto the show on May 20, 2013. Watch to see how the Deaf contestant does that day.

Official Website http://www.priceisright.com

Guests with Disabilities: http://www.priceisright.com/accessibility

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PriceIsRight

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ThePriceIsRightCBS

Deaf Moviegoers See Potential In Glasses With Captioning

VIDEO [CC] - FOX40 SACRAMENTO - Many people go to the movies for the special effects and dialogue. But what if you were Deaf.

Regal Entertainment Group has introduced glasses developed by Sony for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired with closed captioning at the bottom that sync to the sound of the movie you’re watching.

Lois Diamond and Linda Cook are two of 38 million Deaf or hearing impaired Americans. Lois likes the glasses, she says any new technology is wonderful.

Regal theaters purchased them for about six thousand theaters nationwide, including Sacramento. Lois said before visual aids like it, she wouldn’t go to the movies much.

Regal invested more than $10 million dollars into the glasses. Each one is about $1,750. They’re free for customers though. Lois thinks Regal’s glasses are a step forward, but not perfect.

She says she noticed the captions appeared at the top of the screens, and didn’t like that. ...READ MORE: http://fox40.com/2013/05/10/deaf-moviegoers-see-potential-in-glasses-with-captioning/

Related Post: Sony New Subtitle Glasses For Deaf Moviegoers

Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013

No More Sign Language For Deaf Children With Implants ?

Medical Research: No more sign language for Deaf children with implants?

NEDERLANDS - The language development of children with a cochlear implant who only learn spoken language is faster than that of children with a cochlear implant who are also learning sign language. This is what Leiden researcher Karin Wiefferink concludes in her dissertation.

Monolingual environment may be better for development of spoken language: Wiefferink compared the language development of Flemish children with a cochlear implant (CI) with that of Dutch children who also had a cochlear implant, but who grew up in a bilingual environment in which they were learning both spoken language and sign language. The study shows that the spoken language development of the Flemish children was faster than that of the Dutch children. What was remarkable was that the sign language of the Dutch children barely showed any signs of development once they had a cochlear implant. In addition, after a while, the Dutch children developed a preference for spoken language. These results suggest that a monolingual environment is better for language development than a bilingual environment.

Socio-emotional development: A second study from the dissertation shows that the socio-emotional development of children with a CI is slower than that of hearing children. A notable finding was that the linguistic development only played a minor role in this context. One possible explanation is that CI children are less aware of what is happening in their direct environment, because they find it difficult to follow conversations in a noisy environment. Wiefferink: ‘Access to the social environment therefore seems to play an important role in socio-emotional development.’ ...READ MORE: http://www.news.leiden.edu/news-2012/no-more-sign-language-for-deaf-children-with-implants.html

Deaf Culture: The Movie Thing!

VIDEO [ASL /CC] - Deaf Culture: The Movie Thing! Is this video in deaf bashing or humor comedy?

What happens when two hearing people try to make a video on Deaf Culture? Let's find out!

All work on this video was done by Mathew Schelsky and Rachel Thompson for the spring 2013 Deaf Culture class at Columbia College Chicago, for Crom Saunders.

Deaf Scottish Yachtsman Receives Hero's Welcome

VIDEO: Deaf sailor receives hero's welcome. The first Deaf person to have sailed single-handed around the world, passing all five capes, has returned home to a hero's welcome.

SOUTH AYRSHIRE, SCOTLAND - Gerry Hughes, 55, fulfilled his boyhood dream of sailing past the capes, racking up 32,000 miles on an eight-month voyage.

Hundreds of members of the Deaf community turned out at Troon harbour in South Ayrshire to congratulate the father-of-two, who was born without hearing.

The teacher, from Glasgow, is one of around 300 people to have completed the feat, joining a list of successful solo-circumnavigators which includes Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and Sir Frances Chichester.

After hugging his tearful wife Kay, 47, on his arrival, he swapped the champagne popped in his honour for a pint of his favourite Guinness.

He spoke of a great sense of achievement, having fulfilled an ambition he has had since he was 14.

Stormy weather often created tough sailing conditions, causing him to capsize at one stage. But he cited problems with electronic equipment, not his lack of hearing, as the biggest challenge of the trip.

Speaking through a sign language interpreter, he said: "Being Deaf, the only thing I didn't have was the VHF radio contact. I feel vibrations. That's how the boat communicates with me. I'd be asleep and I knew that winds were coming. Other people can hear those things but I was able to compensate in that way. ...READ MORE: http://www.expressandstar.com/news/uk-news/2013/05/08/deaf-sailor-receives-heros-welcome/, Visit http://www.gerrysmhughes.com for more information.

Related Post: Scottish Yachtsman Become The First Deaf Person To Sail Non Stop Around The World

Boy Saves Deaf Mum From House Fire

VIDEO: A hearing 12 year-old boy, who had a day off school, has saved his mother from a house fire at their Melton home.

7NEWS MELBOURNE - A 12-year-old boy has saved his Deaf mum from a fire that destroyed their Melbourne home. The boy woke his mum up when the fire broke out in their Melton home on Friday morning, police said. Local police were patrolling the area and pulled up outside after noticing smoke coming from the house.

The boy escaped unscathed but his mother, aged in her 40s, was taken to The Alfred hospital for treatment for burns. The house was well alight when firefighters arrived at 10.20am, the CFA says. The woman suffered burns to her back and hands but was in a stable condition, an Ambulance Victoria spokesman said. ...Read more: http://au.news.yahoo.com/local/vic/a/-/local/17095306/boy-saves-mum-from-vic-house-fire/

Deaf Community Versus Hearing Community

Deaf Community Versus Hearing Community by Andrew Scott Kerr.

The tubers entertaining Deaf couple Annette and Scott Kerr presentation in the "PrankandSpank" statement on YouTube.

REMEMBER - This does NOT apply to all hearing people. I don't want you all jumping to conclusions because it will prove my point valid that you cannot read or listen carefully.

I never said we were better than other disabilities as the only thing we can't do is hear but we still get treated like an outcast compared to other disabilities as people think we are the lowest of the low. But you can't say that we are less capable of doing anything as we can do more than other disabilities can.

It's always been that fact for the longest time and I am sorry you disagree with that. That is my point. Please tell me it is not hard for you to understand that?

There have been many videos on here with Deaf people trying to educate the hearing community but sometimes the message does not get across. I have decided to give my opinion on what I think but in a more offensive way using stronger words and more points because after all the hearing people have put us down for years and still believe we are not capable of doing anything to this very day. If only they knew how many successful Deaf people there have been in this world. And don't tell me I can't say anything negative when we have been getting negative shit thrown in our faces for years.

Follow SpankandPrank:

Tweet us you twits: twitter.com/prankandspank

Our prankandspank Facebook fanpage: facebook.com/pages/Prank-and-Spank

Facebook: Scott - facebook.com/ScottKerr

Facebook: Annette - facebook.com/Annette.Kerr

Google+: https://plus.google.com/posts

The Deaf One Man Show comedy sketch channel: youtube.com/thedeafonemanshow

Related Prank and Spank:

Deaf Community Versus Hearing Community

Deaf Couple Are Taking Pranks and Spanks To The Next Level

Joey Bell Jr: The Next Deaf UFC Fighter ?

The Best Prank and Spank of 2013

Deaf Couple's Prank and Spank Leaving YouTube

Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

Deaf Texas Mom 'Would Never Have Hurt Baby'

A Deaf mom 'would never have hurt Baby' who died of abuse.

Maria Zuniga and Hector Cupich-QuinoesKHOU DALLAS - The mother of a five-month-old baby girl who police say died of abuse told News 8 Wednesday her husband drank a lot and "resented" the child. Maria Zuniga is Deaf. She answered our questions using a sign language interpreter.

Richardson police investigators said she failed to stop her husband, Hector Quiñones, from repeatedly hitting the baby's head on a counter. Zuniga told News 8 that Quiñones who has some slight hearing hurt the baby while she was asleep.

"And now, I'm just going to miss my baby," Zuniga said through the interpreter. "I would never have hurt her. I'd never spanked her, touched her in a bad way, never hurt her." Zuniga said she and her husband argued about taking the baby to a hospital. When they finally did, doctors called police. Quiñones faces a capital murder charge. ...READ MORE: http://www.khou.com/news/texas-news/Deaf-mom-would-never-have-hurt-baby-who-died-of-abuse-205781491.html

Deaf parents kill baby that won't stop crying, cops say.

RICHARDSON, Texas - Abclocal.go.com: A couple in Richardson, Texas, are charged in the death of their infant daughter. Police say the father has confessed to his role and is charged with capital murder. And they say the mother did not stop the alleged abuse.

Police say a 5-month-old girl died from her injuries at the hands of her parents at their home. The parents, Maria Zuniga and Hector Cupich-Quinones, were drunk Saturday night, police say.

Both are Deaf. They fought with each other that night. "And then there was a dispute over who was going to take care of the child. The child I guess was a little fussy and they couldn't get the child to quiet," said Sgt. Kevin Perlich, Richardson police.

Charging documents show that the couple was drinking. Quinones allegedly shook the child and slammed her across the kitchen counter. He later admitted to it, police say, saying he was frustrated by the child's crying. "It is my understanding that even though they're Deaf they can pick up vibrations and hear some sounds and stuff like that," said Perlich. ...READ MORE: http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/national_world&id=9087742

Blood Donations Honors Deaf Young Woman

Blood drive honors leader in Deaf community, beyond.

OLATHE, Kan. - Fox4kc.com: Fellow students and friends of a young woman who died in January from lung and heart complications held a blood drive Thursday in her honor.

Mary Margaret Grove was 18 and committed to both serving and leading at the Kansas State School for the Deaf in Olathe, where she was a high school senior.

Blood drives were among Mary Grover’s many passions as she served the community and donated her time and talents. When Mary was young, she needed platelet transfusions to help her body overcome blood clotting problems, and it became an important part of her service.

On Thursday, her family and friends teamed up with the American Red Cross for a blood drive at her school.

“I never really wanted to before. I don’t need to do that. And then you know, once we lost her I thought, you know what, today’s pretty special, I’m gong to go ahead and in honor of Mary I’m going to donate my blood. And having people here, it’s really nice to honor her,” said Alfonso Torres, who had known Mary since 3rd grade.

Many of those who organized and participated in the blood drive said it will continue to be a passion for them. ...READ MORE: http://fox4kc.com/2013/05/02/blood-drive-honors-leader-in-deaf-community-beyond/

Deaf Student Cherished for All She Did During Her Brief Life.

OLATHE, Kan. - Fox4kc.com: Thursday evening, friends and family celebrated the life and example of a high school student who lost her battle with pulmonary hypertension on Monday.

Mary Margaret Grove, 18, attended the Kansas State School for the Deaf and was student body president, Kansas honor scholar and a spokeswoman for the Deaf.

Friends remember her smile and her passion for communication.

“She encouraged parents to learn and communicate with deaf kids and she was just amazing that way,” said Alfonso Torres with the Kansas School for the Deaf.

Torres remembers his last text conversation with Grove.

“We said goodnight, love you,… and then she was gone,” he said.

Grove was an organ donor and those who love her are comforted that her legacy will live on through organ, bone and tissue donations. ...READ MORE: http://fox4kc.com/2013/01/31/deaf-student-cherished-for-all-she-did-during-her-brief-life/

Related Articles: Here’s to Life, Here’s to Love, Here’s to You: Mary Margaret Grove

Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

Deaf Awareness: 'Love Language' Short Film

VIDEO [CC/SIGNED] - Deaf Awareness: 'Love Language' Short Film.

This video was re-created to spread awareness to the American Society of Deaf Children within my community. There are moments in life when we feel a connection so deep words can hardly describe it. But how do we know that it's real?

This is the story of a boy who meets a girl and falls in love.

(Please do not continue reading until after you watch the video!)

The Jubilee Project makes films for good causes. This film was produced to raise awareness and support for the American Society for Deaf Children. There are two ways that you can support this cause. This video was created for a School Public Service Announcement for the school. Originally made by The Jubilee Project, all credit goes to them for the story content within this film.

I would also like to take the time to forward you to their website where you can buy the song used "Peaches" by: New Heights for $1.00 and your dollar will go straight to the donation of the American Society of Deaf Children. Please visit that link here: http://jubileeproject.bandcamp.com/track/peaches

The original short film 'Love Language'

The Jubilee Project is an organization for good causes. With your generous contribution you can help raise money for Deaf children. Visit the original video as seen right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyB_U9vn6Wk

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Haley Educating The Hearing People About The Deaf World

How To Communication With Deaf Individuals

Advices To Parents With Deaf Children. ASL

To Educate Hearing Parents of Deaf Child

Educate For Hearing Parents With Deaf Childrens/Toddlers

Importance of Educating Hearing Parents

Interview With Hearing Parents Of A Deaf Son

ASL Rose: Two Deaf Babies

How To Communication With Deaf People

VIDEO [CC] - Educate the hearing people how to communication with Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.

Kati Roman's new video on YouTube to educate the hearing people how to connect / talk with deaf and hard of hearing people. Kati Roman, who is a hard of hearing person, which is issuing a call to action, inviting community to be part of the solution to explain why she is doing a good cause, to educating and awareness about the Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.

Related Posts:

Haley Educating The Hearing People About The Deaf World

Deaf Awareness: 'Love Language' Short Film

Advices To Parents With Deaf Children. ASL

To Educate Hearing Parents of Deaf Child

Educate For Hearing Parents With Deaf Childrens/Toddlers

Importance of Educating Hearing Parents

Interview With Hearing Parents Of A Deaf Son

ASL Rose: Two Deaf Babies

The Deaf Photographer and The Old Bride

VIDEO: Tomas Kold - The Deaf Photographer and The Old Bride.

A presentation of the Deaf International photographer Tomas Kold, working with wedding photos. A few year ago an old woman came into Karim's tailoring. She is 70 years and insanely in love. She has just met the love of her life and now she's getting married. http://www.koldsfotografi.dk/

Se fotograf (Follow) Thomas Kolds galleri på. http://www.koldsfotografi.dk/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KoldsFotografi

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tomas.k.erlandsen

Related Post: Tomas Kold: The Deaf Photographer