Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014

HALLOWEEN - The Ultimate Horror Complilation

HORROR VIDEOS - The ultimate horror video complilation that will totally creepy you out!

Halloween or Hallowe'en - a contraction of "All Hallows' Evening") is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day.

Within Allhallowtide, the traditional focus of All Hallows' Eve revolves around the theme of using "humor and ridicule to confront the power of death. The word Halloween or Hallowe'en dates to about 1745.

Here's a special Halloween of the ultimate alltime10s horror video complilation, Enjoy and share! http://www.deafread.com/go/121307

10 Horror Movies Inspired by Real Events - Thought haunted houses and possessed dolls were just the stuff of nightmares? Think again with these 10 Horror Movies Inspired by Real Events.

10 Things You Need To Know About Zombies - How long would it take for the undead to take over a city? Could new Russian weapons technology turn you into a mindless zombie? Find out before Halloween with these 10 scary facts about zombies.

10 More Tips To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse - Be prepared for the flesh-eating zombie hordes and watch these 10 tips on how to get by in coming apocalypse.

10 Terrifying Demonic Possessions - Watch on to creep yourself at by these chilling tales of 10 terrifying cases of demonic possession.

10 Unexplained Paranormal Phenomena - Chilling ghostly noises, mysterious deaths and a pair of terrifying twins can all be found in 10 Unexplained Paranormal Phenomena.

10 Creepiest Places On Earth - The worst places to be in the world when your phone has run out of battery, your torch keeps flickering and the ignition on your car won't work properly, take a peek at 10 creepiest places one earth.

10 Common Nightmares Explained - Find out the meanings of your deepest fears, As Alltime10s explains the 10 most common nightmares.

Alltime10s - We are Alltime10s and we aim to bring you the most informative, fascinating and engaging top 10 videos on YouTube. www.youtube.com/alltime10s

Halloween in the BuzzFeed's horror video complilation.

Terrifying True-Life Facts About Horror Movies - These facts are some of the strangest and most frightening things that happened during the making of some of the best and most appreciated horror films.

The Most Haunted Places In America - Warning: You will get creeped out when you see the video.

The Creepiest Places On Earth - Crazy places where people have done weird things and surprisingly morbid things!

Facts That Prove Ghosts Are Baloney. Do you believe ghosts? You will decide after watch the video.

BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. http://buzzfeed.com

Canadians React To Ottawa Shooting Racism

VIRAL VIDEO [CC] - Actor punched in face while making Nathan Cirillo-inspired anti-racism video in Hamilton, Canada.

HAMILTON, ON - It’s a sucker-punch that would have drawn a suspension if it was in a rink, but Canadians seem to have little issue with an actor in a “social experiment” being socked for his overt racism against Muslims.

In light of the killings of two Canadian soldiers, filmmaker Omar Albach wanted to make a video to see how Canadians would react to racism against Muslims. The results, although highly-edited, suggest Canada’s reputation as a welcoming, multi-cultural nation might be deserved.

“This is based on the events that happened in Ottawa,” York University student Omar Albach says at the beginning of the YouTube video called “Canadians React to Ottawa Shooting Racism.” “We’re going to see if people feel safe to be around Muslims or people who look like Muslims.”

Turn "Closed Captioned" On

In the YouTube clip, actor Zakaria Ghanem is dressed in a traditional Muslim gown and is then berated by follow actor Devin Giamou in front of the unsuspecting public in Hamilton, the hometown of slain soldier Cpl. Nathan Cirillo.

In one instance, Giamou walks up to Ghanem, who is in line for the bus, and tells him to get another ride, suggesting he could have a bomb. Giamou is immediately rebuked by a middle-aged man in line.

“You can’t stereotype and judge people by their clothes,” the man says. “Or their nationalities or anything else, you know what I mean? What happened there was an incident of fanatics.”

In another scene, a young woman says the Ottawa shooting was “awful and tragic but I don’t think that’s any reason to persecute someone because of what they are wearing ... Read more: http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/10/29/actor-punched-in-face-while-making-nathan-cirillo-inspired-anti-racism-video-in-hamilton/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Omar.Albach

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OmarAlbach

Instagram: http://instagram.com/omaralbach

Devin's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuMO6rwrmPoT7gDAEOlNAFQ

Crab Theory in Deaf Community: Gallaudet

ASL VIDEO - Crab Theory in Deaf Community: Gallaudet University.

The "Crab Theory" is used in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community as a metaphor to describe the tendency of some Deaf people to criticize or put down the successes or achievements of other Deaf people. It may take several different forms: malicious and negative gossip, grudges, social rejection, etc., and is directed against Deaf community leaders, successful Deaf business entrepreneurs or educational administrators, Deaf individuals who go to college while their Deaf peers never get beyond high school, Deaf people who "don't act Deaf enough", even ordinary Deaf individuals who do such positive things as buying a new car or marrying a good person.

The analogy is to a bucket of live crabs: whenever one crab attempts to escape the bucket by climbing out of it, the others reach up and pull it back down. The result, of course, is that no crab succeeds in escaping the bucket. Other groups, especially other minority groups, also use the "crab theory" to describe similar negativity within their own communities, but the "crab theory" is probably more widely mentioned and discussed within the Deaf community than in any other group.

This brief paper cannot attempt an analysis of the sometimes-complex psychological reasons for the practice of the "crab theory". However, certain common elements that tend to contribute to this phenomenon can be identified in the Deaf community.

Jealousy is often involved, of course: one Deaf person sees another Deaf person become successful while s/he still is not, so the first Deaf person tries to minimize feelings of "inferiority" by putting down the other Deaf person's success. This likely arises out of the low self-esteem frequently seen among Deaf people, often brought on from low expectations set for them by hearing parents and hearing educators, as well as from oppression by those same hearing persons (see related Deaf FAQ on Audism). This attitude by hearing authorities and parents that "Deaf people can't" gets internalized by many Deaf persons during their formative years and carries into adulthood. Self-oppression and internecine strife is a common result of low self-esteem in the Deaf community. To learn more about crab theory in the Deaf community - http://libguides.gallaudet.edu/content_mobile.php?pid=351730&sid=2877347

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

Walking in NYC as a Deaf Woman

VIRAL VIDEO [CC] - Ten hours of silent walking in Manhattan to pretend as a Deaf woman.

NEW YORK CITY - The silent woman receives rape threats after recording 10 hours of harassment in New York. Actor Shoshana B Roberts recorded all the catcalls and remarks she got from passersby as she walked for 10 hours through New York.

An actor who recorded 10 hours of catcalls and remarks from passersby in New York City has received rape threats in response to a video detailing the harassment, the advocacy group that commissioned the video said on Tuesday.

In a two-minute video, actor Shoshana B Roberts was told to smile, told, “Somebody is acknowledging you for being beautiful, you should say thank you,” and comments were made about her clothes and appearance.

At one point in the video, which has been viewed nearly 10m times in fewer than 24 hours, a man walked alongside her silently for five minutes.

Another followed her, while offering to give her his number.

“The rape threats indicate that we are hitting a nerve,” Hollaback director Emily May told Newsday. “We want to do more than just hit a nerve though, we want New Yorkers to realize – once and for all – that street harassment isn’t OK, and that as a city we refuse to tolerate it.”

Hollaback!, an international group that has been fighting street harassment since 2005, said people were reporting threats to YouTube, where the video is hosted, and that the website was taking them down.

There were more than 100 instances of verbal street harassment recorded during the 10 hours. “This doesn’t include the countless winks, whistles, etc,” the video says. SOURCE

Donate to Hollaback! https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/hollaback

Creator/Director/Producer: Rob Bliss Creative - A Viral Video Agency - http://robblisscreative.com/

Talent: Shoshana B. Roberts - http://shoshanabroberts.wix.com/shoshanabroberts

Video Effects Consultant: Kevin Budzynski - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3345388/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1

Audio Production/Assistance: Peter Fox - http://www.peterfoxrecording.com/

Learn more about street harassment here: http://www.ihollaback.org/blog/2014/10/27/new-street-harassment-psa/

Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014

Sign Language Interpreter Goes Viral During Ebola Press Conference

VIDEO: [CC] - Sign Language interpreter goes viral during De Blasio Ebola press conference in New York City.

NEW YORK - Video of the sign language interpreter during Mayor Bill de Blasio's news conference on New York City's first Ebola case.

While Mayor Bill de Blasio and health officials were giving updates on New York City’s first Ebola case Friday, the focus turned to another person in the room, the sign language guy.

The signer, who was seated to the right of the mayor, was enthusiastically signing throughout the press conference. It appeared as if he was talking to another signer who was seated in the audience.

Some even questioned whether he was a legitimate sign language interpreter. The Twitterverse soon noticed and tweets started taking the Internet by storm.

Within minutes of his TV appearance on Friday, people across the country had taken to the social networking site to express their delight at his efforts.

Turn On "Closed Captioned"

Although some people questioned whether the interpreter was legitimate, others said he appeared to be translating the Mayor's and health officials' comments via a signer in the audience.

During the conference, de Blasio commented on Dr Spencer, who went bowling in Brooklyn, rode the subway and walked the High Line before he was admitted to Bellevue Hospital Center on Thursday.

Despite Dr Spencer's activities, he told listeners: 'I want to repeat what I said last night: There is no cause for alarm,' according to CBS New York.

'New Yorkers who have not been exposed to an infected person's bodily fluids are simply not at risk. It's crucial to emphasize, it's not an airborne disease, it's not a casual contact disease.'

It comes as Dr Spencer's fiancée, Morgan Dixon, has been allowed to leave Bellevue Hospital Center in New York to return to the couple's home in Harlem.

With a pink scarf wrapped tightly around her face, Miss Dixon was pictured stepping out of an unmarked police car and walking quickly into her apartment this evening.

The 30-year-old, who has not yet shown any signs or symptoms of Ebola, is now under mandatory quarantine for 21 days, the virus's incubation period.

Meanwhile, Dr Spencer, 33, is currently undergoing treatment and remains in a 'stable' condition in isolation at the Manhattan-based hospital, which he was admitted to with a 100.3-degree fever.

According to the latest figures from the World Health Organization, the Ebola death toll is now 4,922, bringing the total of confirmed and suspected cases of the virus to 10,141.

Symptoms of Ebola include a fever, a headache, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle and joint aches and in some cases bleeding. These appear two to 21 days after exposure to the disease, the CDC said. Source

Related Terps Goes Viral:

Sign Language Interpreter Goes Viral During Ebola Press Conference

Lydia Callis: Bloomberg's Interpreter Goes Viral

De Blasio's Deaf Interpreter Steals Spotlight

Cyclone Sign Language Guy Goes Viral

Eurovision Sign Language Interpreter Is A Web Hit

Related Terps Parodies/Spoofs:

SNL Spoofs Fake Sign Language Interpreter Skit

Your Jokes About Bloomberg's Sign Language Interpreters Aren't Funny

'SNL' Opening Skit Puts Sign Language Interpreter Front & Center

Marlee Matlin Upset Over 'SNL' Sign Language Skit

List of Mockery Sign Language Videos

Lydia Callis, Bloomberg Interpreter Goes Viral

Charlie Swinbourne: Hearing People Mocking Sign Language For Comic Effect Just Isn’t Funny

Chelsea Handler Mocks Bloomberg’s ASL Interpreter Lydia Callis, Gets Schooled by Deaf Group

Related Fake Interpreter:

Deaf Outraged Over Fake Sign Language Interpreter At Mandela Memorial

Flash News: I'm Schizophrenic, Says 'Fake' Interpreter

NAD Says 'Fake' Interpreter Signing Gibberish

'Fake' Sign Language Interpreter Defends Himself

Marlee Matlin Reacts To The 'Fake' Interpreter

ASL Morning Message: 'Fake Interpreter'

Real Interpreter of the Nelson Mandela Memorial

KODA Girl In Kindergarten Holiday Concert

#fakeinterpreter - Education Rights for Deaf Children

Deaf Advocates Asks Europe Union For Interpreter Standards

'SNL' Opening Skit Puts Sign Language Interpreter Front & Center

SNL Spoofs Sign Language Interpreter Skit

Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014

Deaf Dog Gets Adopted By Deaf Man

VIDEO: The adorable Deaf dog gets adopted by Deaf man after 9NEWS report.

DIVIDE, Co. - A Deaf dog who was having a difficult time being adopted from the Teller County Regional Animal Shelter has a new forever home. A Deaf man decided to adopt 'Connor' after seeing the 9NEWS report last week.

The one-year-old pup was born with something called 'Cerebellar Hypoplasia', which means his cerebellum never matured.

Employees at the shelter also noticed Connor wasn't responding well to commands. Eventually, one of the shelter's technicians discovered the problem: Connor was Deaf. Because of his disability, the tech taught Connor how to read American Sign Language.

PREVIOUS STORY : Deaf dog learns sign language. According to the shelter, Connor picked up on it pretty quickly and understood several commands. Unfortunately, a lot of people looking to adopt pets turned their heads away from Connor and figured it would take too much effort to care for him. So Connor lived at the shelter, until this week. "We are so excited that he was able to find his forever home," said Nancy Adams, with the Teller County Regional Animal Shelter.

Adams said the man who adopted Connor saw the 9NEWS story airing on sister-station KOAA-5 in Colorado Springs. When he saw the story, he was touched and decided to adopt Connor. Adams said the process was a tad bit difficult since the man didn't have an interpreter with him. Instead, he communicated with the shelter by writing down his thoughts on a piece of paper."He's a person who will truly appreciate Connor's disabilities. And the nice thing is it made people aware with special needs are very adoptable and very good pets," Adams said. Source

Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

New Technology of Communication for the Deaf

VIDEO: [CC] - No more depend interpreters in the future ? MotionSavvy introduces Uni - a two way communication tool for the Deaf and Hearing.

With recent advancements in gesture recognition technology, it is now possible to provide the millions of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people worldwide with a affordable tool to communicate with their peers.

UNI uses advanced gesture recognition technology called Leap Motion, this allows users to see how their signs appear on camera, which helps to make sure signs are input correctly and avoid missing important information.

What UNI does for you ? First of its kind device translates sign language into audio and spoken word to text, finally empowering the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to lead full lives and boundless careers. More details at www.motionsavvy.com

Sign To Speech - Powered by motion gesture recognition technologies, UNI translates signs into audible speech for hearing individuals.

Speech to Text - Using voice recognition technology, UNI identifies audible speech and converts it to text for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals.

Leap Motion V2 Tracking Developer Beta - Demo

Developer beta of Leap Motion's V2 tracking. Learn more at https://developer.leapmotion.com

More details at www.motionsavvy.com

Deaf-Blind Man Pushed Onto Rail Tracks

RAW VIDEO: A pair of thugs who pushed a blind and Deaf man and his brother on to train tracks in a 'horrifying assault' at a busy station have both been jailed.

Daniel Webster, 23, and Niall Martin, 24 pushed a 31-year-old, off the platform at Chelmsford station in Essex, then threw his brother Joseph down after him as he tried to intervene.

Martin admitted ABH on the brother and was given a nine-month sentence but he has been freed already after he spent five months in custody, making him eligible for parole. Webster was jailed for 22 months after pleading guilty to GBH and ABH against both brothers.

Chelmsford Crown Court heard that the victim was attacked by Webster and Martin late at night on February 20 this year after the pair came over to ask him about train times.

A row broke out, and Webster launched his attack on the victim, who was described in court as 'profoundly Deaf' and is registered blind.

CCTV footage from the station shows a second man trying to come to the aid of his vulnerable brother, only for both of them to be thrown on to the tracks. As the pair scramble back to the platform edge and attempt to climb back to safety, Martin and Webster punch them both in the head, leaving them stranded. Network rail staff were forced to put a block on all trains coming through the station over fears that the pair could have been killed.

Jailing the pair yesterday Judge David Turner QC said it had been a 'disgraceful episode' and labelled their actions 'manifestly dangerous'. He said: 'This is exactly the sort of thing that terrifies members of the travelling public late at night.'

Speaking afterwards, Detective Constable Alan Reed of British Transport Police said: 'This is one of the most appalling incidents I have investigated. 'Webster and Martin showed a savage disregard for their victims, and one of the brothers is still suffering from the injuries sustained to his foot.

'It is no exaggeration to say the brothers could have been killed after being thrown onto the tracks. 'I would like to pay tribute to the victims, who have shown great dignity following what was a terrifying ordeal for them 'I hope the sentence will provide them with some sense of closure, although in truth, the impact this has had on both of them is likely to remain with them for the rest of their lives.'

The court heard that the victim spent six weeks on crutches and was off work for six months. He now walks with a limp and has been told the foot injury may take two years to heal and may need further surgery. Source

Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

Deaf Mom Teaches Hearing Son ASL

VIRAL VIDEO: [CC] - Must-See The adorable little boy learning American Sign Language has been going viral.

This adorably video of Deaf mom is teaching American Sign Language to her hearing son, and he is too cute for words!

Jasmine Garcia and her son, River is currently 22 months old and is a Child of Deaf Adults, often known by the acronym "CODA", is a person who was raised by Deaf parents. He started learning American Sign Language since he was about 6 months old. American Sign Language is his first language and it has been an amazing experience teaching him in ASL. This is a worthwhile to watch and share.

Turn "Closed Captioned" on.

Related of the viral videos, you may remember the original video of the adorable little girl learning ASL went viral. A three year old Deaf girl teaching American Sign Language with her Deaf mom. Different signs of toys will be shown.

Turn "Closed Captioned" on.

This is also posted on http://sheenamcfeely.com/2012/08/deaf-mom-and-daughter-teaching-asl-2/. Sign Language is a beautiful and very inspired!

Resources to help you learn ASL and improve your signing:


American Sign Language Video Dictionaries:


Deaf Dog Shot Dead In Deaf Woman's Yard

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: [CC] - Deaf Alabama woman distraught after deaf dog shot dead in her yard. Animal cruelty charges are likely for whoever shot and killed a dog.

SATSUMA, AL - Tabitha Venable found her 2-year-old dog Si lethargic inside her Satsuma, Alabama yard Tuesday evening. She had no idea he had been shot until she took him to the vet, where the pooch died in emergency surgery. Now she is hunting for the heartless brute who would randomly kill her dog.

A heartless goon gunned down a deaf dog in broad daylight, leaving his owner, a Deaf Alabama woman, heartbroken and mystified. Tabitha Venable returned to her Satsuma yard Tuesday evening to find Si, a 2-year-old Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Cur, acting lethargically, weaving and walking about in a strange way, she told WKRG-TV.

“I asked him, ‘are you OK?’ she told the station. But nothing helped the mortally wounded dog. She rushed the pup to a vet where she learned he had been shot and was rushed into emergency surgery.

Turn "Closed Captioned" on

He died as doctors desperately tried to save the pooch. Venable, who lost her own hearing as a 4-year-old, has no idea who would shoot her dog. Police say the pup was plugged with a .22-caliber slug, and whoever is responsible would likely face a felony animal cruelty charge.

"I don't feel safe,” said Venable as she spoke and signed her responses to the TV station. “If somebody shot my dog, it could happen to me. I can't hear a gunshot."

Dog and owner had an inseparable bond when Venable visited little Si two years ago, when he was a squirmy 8-week-old pup at an animal shelter. ... Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/deaf-alabama-woman-distraught-deaf-dog-shot-dead-yard-article-1.1978489

Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

Horror Game - The Halloween

Play Free Creepy and Scary Game: Sinthai's The Halloween.

Here comes a brand new scary game from the creator of the popular game The House. This game has been developed by Sinthai Boonmaitree. It is a special for Halloween.

Sinthai The Halloween is a short point and click horror adventure. All point and click games have some kind of puzzles or problem solving base within themselves. Nothing is different here. In horror games of this type the puzzles are usually not too complicated and it all comes down to clicking on certain objects on the screen. After a while, an animation is activated. Like in an interactive scene from a horror movie.

Click This Image To Play Game.
Play Full This Game - www.sinthaistudio.com/HALLOWEEN

How To Play This Game - The Halloween Walkthrough

MUST SEE !! The creepy and scary on Alrena Roushe profile: CLICK HERE

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

Deaf Fan Featured in Buck O'Neil Seat

VIDEO: [CC] - Buck O'Neil Legacy of seat holder spent decades connect the Deaf with baseball.

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Some lucky fan gets to sit in the Buck O'Neil seat each game. The person is nominated and honored for their community service.

Just hours before one of the biggest nights of his life, James "JJ" Jones stopped by the Negro Leagues Museum to honor the man who made it happen the man whose seat he'll be sitting in Tuesday night. "I can't wait to sit in Buck O'Neil's seat tonight," Jones said. "I've got goose bumps. Wow."

His journey to the Buck O'Neil seat started when he was just three years old, when his parents discovered he was Deaf - with special schooling, he made his way to college where his mission became clear. "I had so many good Deaf college professors and now it's time to pay back to Deaf children," Jones said.

Turn "Closed Captioned" on.

For nearly 30 years, he's coached at the Johnson County Sertoma Fantasy Sports Camp, a baseball camp for Deaf children in the Kansas City area. It has since expanded to include soccer and lacrosse.

"It's a joy. It's heartwarming. Heartfelt," Jones explained. "It's rewarding to be a good role model." Along the way he met and eventually became friends with Buck O'Neil.

"Buck O'Neil has the heart. He loves people. Loves everybody. Everybody loves Buck O'Neil," Jones said. When he sits in his seat tonight, he hopes it will send a message that anyone can accomplish anything.

"To all my Deaf children, Deaf youth. Believe in yourself," Jones advised. "You can be anything you want to be. Go. Reach your dreams." You can learn how to nominate someone for the Buck O'Neil Legacy seat on the Royals website.


Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014

American Sign Language, We Have A Problem

VIDEO in ASL - Houston, uh... American Sign Language, We have a big problem.

A Deaf activist and psychologist, Amy Cohen Efron also known as a blogger "Deaf World As Eye See It", Efron posted the article about the value in American Sign Language (ASL) which related to the viral video star of Paul and Tina Sirimarco's signalongs that lead to the deafies into the hottest debates, theories, thoughts of about the mostly hearing people has culturally misappropriated American Sign Language (ASL) from Deaf Community.

Amy Cohen Efron's statement on the article...

We. Have. A. Big. Fucking. Problem. Here. Everyone, Did I get your attention? Good. Watch my vlog, then read on...

I am talking to the Deaf Community here.

Are you sick of audism?

Sick of hearing signers making money off American Sign Language?

Sick of non-certified interpreters taking jobs that they are not qualified to do so?

Sick of hearing people taking ASL teaching jobs?

Sick of this and that?

Let’s look at National Association of the Deaf's mission,

“The mission of the National Association of the Deaf is to promote, protect, and preserve the civil, human and linguistic rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals in the United States of America.”

Audism – is a civil and human issue.

Language/ASL appropriation – is a linguistic issue.

Non-certified interpreters – is a civil and linguistic issue.

Hearing people taking ASL teaching jobs – is a civil and human issue.

Let’s look into linguistic rights. What is this really mean?

American Sign Language (ASL) is our right. That is our language. (Please keep your debate about who owns ASL out of here, because that is not the point!)

We need to band together to educate ourselves what is language appropriation really means, and we need to instill our value in American Sign Language.

To be perfectly honest with you all... the truth is... Read more: http://www.deafeyeseeit.com/2014/10/13/we-have-a-big-fucking-problem-here/

Follow Amy Cohen Efron:

Official Website: www.deafeyeseeit.com

Linkedin - www.linkedin.com/pub/amy-cohen-efron

Facebook - www.facebook.com/abcohende

Twitter - www.twitter.com/abcohende

YouTube - www.youtube.com/abcohende

DeafVideoTV - www.deafvideo.tv/vlogger/abcohende

Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

Deaf Advocates Responds On Police Brutality

VIDEO: The National Association of the Deaf CEO Howard A. Rosenblum discusses police brutality towards Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.

National Association of the Deaf CEO Howard A. Rosenblum in a video description and transcript: I'd like to discuss a serious situation that recently happened in Florida. Due to a miscommunication between the police officers, the Deaf man involved died. This is a terrible situation. We need to make sure that does not happen again. What happened in Florida isn't the only time that happened, it has happened all over in the United States of America, within the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community as well. Similar situations including Deaf and Hard of Hearing people and police officers has happened in Seattle, Washington, Texas, California, Illinois, Michigan, Oklahoma, and most recently in Florida.

There's many more situations that have happened in other places that I haven't mentioned. This is terrible. Some have died or have been badly hurt because of miscommunication with police officers... this is not acceptable and it must stop.

Some police officers are not aware and do not respect Deaf and Hard of Hearing communication needs. When a police officer approaches an individual, they assume that person is hearing and take action if the person does not respond. Instead, what should happen is police officers analyzing the situation first and figure out if the person is Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and from there they should respect their communication needs to resolve the situation.

Regarding the situation in Florida, the NAD President Chris Wagner is from Florida and is working with the police and other leaders to determine how to improve the situation and prevent such instances from ever happening again.

The NAD has also worked with others in different states when similar situations have happened in the past. Again, this is not acceptable and it must stop. We have since realized we need to deal with the US Government on a national level in order to remedy the many situations across the US, specifically with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Attorney General. We need to work with them to set the standard protocol for the Police Department. Police officers must realize that in all situations the persons they encounter might be Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and respect the communication needs.

This is important for the safety of the police, the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community, and everyone else. Many of you have contacted the NAD expressing concerns about this important issue. The Board of Directors and the NAD staff all agree that this is important for the safety and protection of all individuals involved. I want to thank you for contacting us and please know we are working hard on this issue. Thank you for your time. http://nad.org/news/2014/10/nad-responds-police-brutality-towards-deafhard-hearing

Police Brutality Video Articles: Police Brutality Towards Deaf People on Camera

Deaf Lottery - Scam Awareness

VIDEO: [CC] - This post covers about the scam awareness. More victims possible in Deaf Lottery cases, be aware and protect yourself from the scammers.

On Your Side Alert: Fake Lottery Email Targets Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

RICHMOND, VA (WWBT) - Criminals are now targeting the Hearing Impaired. A viewer contacted 12 On Your Side after she was fooled into believing she'd hit the jackpot.

You've probably never heard of the U.S.A. Deaf Lottery and it's for good reason: it doesn't exist. But that's not stopping cyber crooks. An email claiming to be from the phony organization is showing up in local inboxes. The viewer, who admittedly fell for this, was too embarrassed to talk on camera but didn't want anyone else to be fooled and called 12 On Your Side to spread the word.

Ron Lanier, Director of the Virginia Department for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, said, "To me it is like, how dare they. But we all know there are people out there like this. But usually when I see something like that, I immediately delete it."

Like with most of these email deceptions, these criminals are phishing for information. Our viewer was told her Deaf friend had recently won $550,000 and she was a winner too. The catch was that to collect, she had to give up loads of personal information including her banking details. "It is someone trying to get something from you and you will get nothing in return," Lanier said. ... Read Full Story - CLICK HERE.

Hundreds More Possible Victims in Deaf Lottery Scam Investigation.

WESTERVILLE, OH. - Police say they're looking at hundreds more potential victims in a Deaf Lottery scam investigation. A detective for Westerville P.D. says he first thought there were about 300 victims in a scam involving a fake Deaf Awareness Lottery. Now, he believes there could be 1200 people all over the country. A woman who lives in a Westerville Deaf community is accused of helping the scammers by communicating with elderly Deaf women across the country.

Turn "Closed Captioned" On.

A woman who knows the Deaf community well agrees with police that trust played a big role. If the person that was telling somebody they were Deaf and they were talking to a Deaf absolutely they would trust them, said Joan Marie Johnston. Johnston was married to a Deaf man for more than 50 years and about 60% of her friends are Deaf. The person who pulled this other lady in I don't know who it is but shame on them, said Johnston. Source

Deaf Awareness Lottery Case: Resident faces charges in Deaf community scam.

WESTERVILLE, OH. - A Westerville woman who is Deaf faces charges of theft from an elderly person for her role in a scam that reportedly preyed upon other members of the Deaf community.

Elaine Katz, 76, is accused of being a part of a nationwide scam that involved her calling other Deaf senior citizens to convince them to wire money as part of a fake "Deaf Awareness Lottery" scheme. Katz's Westerville residence was searched and she was taken into custody and booked in February, though she was never jailed.

On July 23, Katz pled not guilty to theft from an elderly person in Franklin County Municipal Court, and her hearing is set for Sept. 22. The case is largely based on one victim in Florida. But authorities say that Katz may have contacted up to 1,200 other victims via a video phone, a common form of communication in the Deaf community.

Authorities said they were unable to confirm how many other cases of fraud may be involved due to logistical difficulties and time constraints. Katz lives in Westerville's Columbus Colony Elderly Care, a facility off South Sunbury Road owned and operated by the Ohio School of the Deaf Alumni Association. Columbus Colony focuses on care for Deaf and Blind seniors.

Ted Smith, a Westerville Division of Police detective who handles fraud cases, had been tracking the Katz case since January, and helped lead the way on the case. He said that Katz's own deafness and age made the case difficult to handle. ... Read Full Story - CLICK HERE.

The "Deaf Lottery" From Australia, Is This a Fake or Real?

Here's a perfect example - it's hard to believe that some of the sources found a website called "The Deaf Lottery Australia" - www.TheDeafLottery.au.com, is this a scam site??... you decide... mostly Deafies don't felling into the scammers like this website.

Scam Alert - Protect Yourself From NAD.

A message from National Association of the Deaf (NAD) - Have you received a message from a “Deaf Charity” or a “Deaf Lottery” that said you won money? Did the message mention the National Association of the Deaf (NAD)? Beware. The NAD does not participate in “Deaf Charity” or “Deaf Lottery” programs.

Scam - cheat, fraud, trick, swindle. For example, you may receive a message from a “Deaf Charity” or “Deaf Lottery” saying you won money. They may ask for more information about you. They may say you must pay money before you can get your lottery money. They may try to make you feel foolish for not sending your money to get more money. Other people may send you a message claiming they won lottery money, and now you can win. This is a scam. Sample Scam Message: Click Here.

Please warning people not to reply to the bogus emails. If you think you're a victim, contact your bank right away. You can also report the email to Internet Crime Complaint Center - IC3.gov.

Be Aware, Educate, and Protect Yourself.

Copy this link http://www.deafread.com/go/120934 and paste on facebook, twitter or social media to share the Scam Awareness with your friends and families.

Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

ASL Lyrics Interpretation Video Clip Goes Viral

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Beautiful soul signing "U" by Gareth Emery to her Deaf friend at TomorrowWorld 2014 video clip goes viral.

The American Sign Language (ASL) lyrics interpretation to her Deaf friend at the festivals which was on camera and posted a video clip on the internet that went viral by attention of the media.

In most ways, Keelin Lambert and Monica Frederick’s friendship is like any other. The former college roommates regularly go to dance music festivals and concerts, even as Keelin lives in San Diego and Monica in Chicago. Keelin brought Monica to her first rave at Electric Daisy Carnival in 2013 and the two became hooked on the scene, particularly on trance. The two met in Atlanta last month for TomorrowWorld and fully immersed themselves, even camping on-site during the three-day fest.

"The most beautiful thing I saw at TomorrowWorld 2014 hands down !! This lovely soul (Keelin) is signing "U" by Gareth Emery to her Deaf friend (Monica) on the right! It gives me chills every time I watch it!! I was so inspired that I couldn't help but cry! The Instagram clip I posted of this video has already touched the hearts of so many people.. Quite unexpectedly! And I'm glad! Way to go, ladies! You deserve every bit of love being sent your way!" -Sage Sappho

While Bryan Kearney played his remix of Gareth Emery “U” during his set on the TranceAddict stage, Keelin did what she often does for Monica during festivals: She translated the lyrics for her into American Sign Language (ASL).

Another fan, Sage Sappho, saw this and shot a short video and shared it on Instagram late last week. Emery saw it, shared it, and the video went viral. “If 15 seconds could ever sum up the spirit of electronic dance music, this would be it,” Emery captioned the video. ... Read more: http://thump.vice.com/words/meet-the-two-trance-fans-who-are-changing-the-way-we-look-at-raves

Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014

Paul and Tina Sirimarco's Signalong is Over !

VIDEO: Signed - The era of Paul and Tina Sirimarco signalong is finished: Deaf vlogger claims.

All about the viral video star of Paul and Tina Sirimarco' signalongs is apparently over, after the porn issue been pop-up around the blogosphere which recent reports made by public to the communities.

A Deaf activist and ASL vlogger, Taurean also known as Tar2006 claimed that the couple are currently embroiled in an online spat with Deaf activists who argue that they has culturally misappropriated American Sign Language (ASL) from Deaf and Hard of Hearing community and the sources are indicating that Paul Sirimarco, aka Paul Marco, has been deeply involved in the porn industry.

However, the individuals consistently find disgusting and sparked a chorus of outrage about the couple, anyhow, the vlogsphere responses has reacted to a video showing, www.DeafVideo.TV/237617#Comments. Some vlogsphere believe that the couple, Paul and Tina Sirimarco have been giving the ASL community a bad reputation.

Related of Paul and Tina Sirimarco:

Couple's Sign Language Car Signalong Goes Viral

Paul & Tina Sirimarco Signalong Parody

Paul and Tina Sirimarco The Porn Star

Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014

Deaf LGBT Filipinos Sees Rise In HIV Cases

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: [CC] - Deaf Rainbow's petition asks the government to provide the program called "Deaf-Friendly HIV" services in prevent booming of HIV cases in Philippines.

MANILA, Philippines - Today, 16 new HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) cases are recorded in the Philippines. It is likely to continue increasing in the coming years.

Most of the new HIV cases are among men who have sex with men and transgenders, and due to inaquate HIV services in the country, we fear that more and more Filipino gays, bisexuals, other men who have sex with men, and transgender people will be vulnerable to the epidemic.

TLF Share collaborated with Pinoy Deaf Rainbow to produce Bekitaktakan 3, The Deaf Edition, where Deaf and Hearing Impaired transgenders advocate tackles issues around gender identity, HIV, and the need for Deaf-Friendly HIV services.

To support Pinoy Deaf Rainbow's petition for Deaf-Friendly HIV services, please sign this Change.org petition by Bibo Lee Perey of Pinoy Deaf Rainbow - https://www.change.org/p/sec-enrique-ona-department-of-health-provide-deaf-friendly-hiv-services.

Translate Filipino to English:

I am Bibo Lee Perey, and I am writing this petition on behalf of the Pinoy Deaf Rainbow, an organization of Deaf LGBTs in the Philippines.

The current HIV epidemic heightens the vulnerabilities of Deaf gays, bisexuals, other men who have sex with men, and trans people. Our exclusion has many layers: we are stigmatized and discrimination because of our disability, our sexual orientation, and our gender identity.

Some of our friends have already been infected by HIV, and yet there are no deaf-friendly HIV services in the country that could help us protect ourselves from HIV and access testing and treatment, care, and support.

We have already sent a request for deaf-friendly HIV services to the Department of Health on June 2013, but we did not receive any response.

Through this online petition, we hope to reiterate our appeal for deaf-friendly HIV services. We hope to remind Secretary Ona of Article 25 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), which encourages Member-States to:

• Provide persons with disabilities with the same range, quality and standard of free or affordable health care and programs as provided to other persons, including in the area of sexual and reproductive health and population-based public health programs;

• Provide those health services needed by persons with disabilities specifically because of their disabilities, including early identification and intervention as appropriate, and services designed to minimize and prevent further disabilities, including among children and older persons;

• Require health professionals to provide care of the same quality to persons with disabilities as to others, including on the basis of free and informed consent by, inter alia, raising awareness of the human rights, dignity, autonomy and needs of persons with disabilities through training and the promulgation of ethical standards for public and private health care

We need to have access to HIV testing. One concrete step that DOH can immediately do is to include in the guidelines for HIV testing the possibility of deaf client signing a waiver form to allow a Sign Language interpreter, with the client indicating informed consent for the presence of the interpreter during voluntary HIV testing and counselling and the interpreter bound to maintain confidentiality.

We are willing to work with the Department of Health to improve our access to health services. We need access to HIV services now! Please sign this Change.org petition by Bibo Lee Perey of Pinoy Deaf Rainbow - https://www.change.org/p/sec-enrique-ona-department-of-health-provide-deaf-friendly-hiv-services.

Director: Jedd Rommel

Talent: Disney Aguila

Writers: Jonas Bagas, Angelo Esperanzate, Disney Aguila, Bibo Perey, MJ Cenidoza

Production team: TLF Share staff with Ms. Pat Bringas and Santi Obcena

This video was produced by TLF Share for Dangal Pilipinas with the support of the ISEAN-Hivos Programme in the Philippines.

Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

First Deaf Offensive Player In The NFL History

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: The first Deaf offensive player in the National Football League history.

CNN - Exclusive interview with Super Bowl champion, Derrick Coleman, doesn't let his loss of hearing stand in his way of playing the game.

"As people hear about me being hard of hearing and making the best of it, the biggest thing that I want others to know is that excuses get you nowhere.

I know I've made some, but I was fortunate enough to have people in my corner who wouldn't let me use them. Whatever your dream is - go for it. Any reason for you not getting it is just an excuse.

Life is hard as it is, but when you have it in your mind that no matter what your dream is, you will try your hardest to achieve it. Your life will be more enjoyable, and it will make the struggle worth it.

Ever since I can remember, I always played sports. Most people would say I wouldn't succeed, but I proved them wrong by finding ways to make it work by finding ways that helped me hear and put me in a position to succeed. Was it easy? No, but it was worth it.

If you ask me what I'm most proud of, it's not just playing football in the NFL; it's graduating from Troy High School and from UCLA with a political science degree. I could have easily made excuses as to why I couldn't do my work and blamed it on not being able to hear well, but I didn't.

Some people ask me, do I wish that I had normal hearing like everyone else, and honestly looking back at my life now, I would say no.

Being Deaf and Hearing Impaired has made me who I am. The struggle, pain, tears, happiness and joy has put me in the position where I am today.

Don't let adversity define who you are. Let how you respond to diversity be who you are. Find a way. No excuses. It will be worth it. It was for me."