Rabu, 29 April 2015

Deaf Army Rebel In The Syrian Civil War

VIDEO [CC] - Deaf Jordanian in Syria fighting against Al-Assad. الصم الجيش الله اكبر - Deaf Army Allahu Akbar!

Unofficial translation: “Insha'Allah, I’m fine. I am in Syria because in the name of Allah in his honor because in Syria lot of life were lost. Many have recently been killed. We successfully to take ennemis positions. We have good relations with hearings in the fighting. We work very hard with efficiency since I killed some in the name of Allah.

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Insha'Allah I’m still alive and as you see, I have a perfect weapon to watch the front. Before it was warmer but now it is a little quieter. Despite four victims were beheaded not far around. Inshallah that keep us alive and our judge.” Source

Syrian opposition - Syrian Arab Republic (opposition)

A number of armed groups have involved themselves in the ongoing Syrian Civil War - List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War

Related Post:

One-Eyed Deaf Man Fights With The Syrian Army

Deaf Army Rebel In The Syrian Civil War

Deaf Militants Releases ISIS Propaganda Video

ISIS Using Sign Language To Recruit Deaf Terrorists

Selasa, 28 April 2015

The Pigeonhole Man & The Deaf Community

VIDEO: English Subtitles - A documentary film "The Pigeonhole Man" - De Hokjesman, afl. De Doven.

Very interesting television documentary about the Dutch Deaf people. This episode of the Hokjesman moves in the Deaf community in Netherlands.

Many Deaf people he meets consider the word Deaf as an honorary title and so happy to see that it is written with a capital D. What is so cherished Deaf Culture exactly? And how do the Deaf on that group of people where they need to relate to it so often: the hearing? Watch this documentary to understand about being Deaf.

For those who want it in Dutch can go here:


Follow Hokjesman:




Related Dutch Documentary:

CODA Trolls Deaf Mother

The Pigeonhole Man & The Deaf Community

Forbes: Changing Technologies For The Deaf

Deaf News: Forbes.com - 4 Game-Changing Technologies For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are more than 360 million people worldwide with a disabling hearing loss, including 32 million children and one-third of people over 65 years of age. Hearing loss may result from genetic causes, complications at birth, certain infectious diseases, chronic ear infections, the use of particular drugs, exposure to excessive noise and aging.

One of the main impacts of hearing loss is on the individual’s ability to communicate with others, since spoken language development is often delayed in children with deafness. Limited access to services and exclusion from communication can have a significant impact on everyday life, causing feelings of loneliness, isolation and frustration, particularly among older people with hearing loss.

Recent advances in technology have the potential to improve the quality of life for those who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Here’s a look at four products in this space that caught our attention.

MotionSavvy UNI: MotionSavvy, founded by a team of students from Rochester Institute of Technology’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf, announced “the world’s first two-way communication software for the Deaf.” UNI translates American Sign Language (ASL) into speech, and speech into text. It utilizes a special camera to track the location of both hands and all ten fingers. Graphic representations of the hands provide live feedback to make sure gestures are being captured correctly. The software’s dictionary can be expanded with customized signs added by the user. There’s also an option to upload those signs to the Internet, to share with others. The more an individual uses the system, the more accurate and tailored it becomes. To facilitate the Hearing-to-Deaf half of the communication, the package also includes Dragon Nuance Pro, one of the leading pieces of voice recognition software. Interested customers will have to wait for MotionSavvy UNI, but not long.

The company is planning to release it in September 2015. The video below gives a high level overview of the concept... Read Full Story with Videos: forbes.com/sites/robertszczerba/2015/04/21/4-game-changing-technologies-for-the-deaf-and-hard-of-hearing/

Related Post:

New Technology of Communication for the Deaf

Future Of Electronic Devices For The Deaf

Deaf Representation In Media

VIDEO [CC] - Significance of Deaf representation in media in American Sign Language.

List of the Scholarly articles for Significance of Deaf Representation in Media

Deaf Gain: Visual Manual Education

VIDEO: As part of a Deaf Studies class, they went around campus to educate students about the benefits of visual manual education.

Maddie D posted on YouTube and sharing the community about the research has proven that visual demonstration and hands-on learning are much more effective in learning, memory, and abstract thinking. This concept of visual manual education is considered a Deaf Gain, proving that being Deaf can be positive and beneficial.

Related Post:

Not Hearing Loss, Deaf Gain

Deaf Gain - Transnationalism

Deaf Awareness 'Deaf Gain' Short Film

Deaf Gain: Visual Manual Education

Bed Bug - Education and Awareness

VIDEO [CC] - Public education and awareness: Why bed bugs are making a comeback in the United States and United Kingdom.

These tiny parasites, better known as bedbugs, have spread through Los Angeles, New York and London over the past 60 years, Americans and Britishers thought they had vanquished bed bugs forever. They were wrong.

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Bed bugs have been an insanity-inducing staple of American life ever since the Mayflower. In 1926, infestations in hotels and apartments were so common that experts couldn't recall a time when they weren't a problem. People absolutely hated being bitten in the night by these tenacious bloodsuckers, but the bugs were seemingly impossible to eradicate.

Then, in 1939, a Swiss chemist named Paul Hermann Muller discovered the pesticide DDT, which proved staggeringly effective at killing insects. And, for decades thereafter, DDT and other chemical pesticides helped keep America's homes and hotels bed bug free.

But it didn't last. Since 2000, a new strain of pesticide-resistant bed bugs has been popping up all around the nation in 2009, there were 10,000 reported complaints in New York City alone. Apartment dwellers were waking up with mysterious bites and rashes on their skin and finding peppery flakes around their mattresses (bed bug poop). People couldn’t rid themselves of bed bugs no matter how often they did laundry or threw out their mattresses. Once the bugs invaded, it seemed, almost nothing can stop them.

The bed bug invasion is a skin-crawling story recounted in Brooke Borel’s riveting new book, Infested: How the Bed Bug Infiltrated Our Bedroom and Took Over the World (the book was partially funded by the Alfred Sloan Foundation). I called Borel, a science journalist, to hear more about how bed bugs made a comeback, why they’re so tenacious, and whether we might ever get rid of them again.

Brad Plumer: I’d half assumed bed bugs were a very recent phenomenon, so it was fascinating to see that even the ancient Egyptians were trying to cast spells to ward them off.

Brooke Borel: Yeah, one thing that really struck me was the similarities throughout history. When the bed bug resurgence happened in the last 15 years, we had all these newspaper articles saying, oh my god, they’re in the movie theaters, there in this place, in that place. But when I went back and read some of the historical material, that’s always been the case.

You can go back and read descriptions of these old beds with jars around the legs that contained paraffin to ward off bed bugs. And that’s just an old school version of these little traps you can buy today to put under your bed and capture the bugs. It’s just an old story that’s been repeating itself forever.

BP: Now, there was this 60-year period after World War II where we’d vanquished bed bugs. How did that happen?

BB: A big part of that story happened in 1939, when a Swiss chemist [Paul Hermann Muller] discovered the insecticidal properties of DDT. These were the first synthetic insecticides, and they were way more effective than the natural botanicals or elemental poisons we had been using previously... Read full story: msn.com/en-ca/news/us/why-bed-bugs-are-making-a-comeback

List of bedbugs awareness:

Bed Bug From Wikipedia

Top Bed Bug Infested Cities in 2015

Baltimore Riots: Erupts Into Violence, Chaos

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Violence erupts in Baltimore after Freddie Gray's funeral.

BALTIMORE - CNN Breaking News - #BaltimoreRiots, April 27, 2015 - A state of emergency has been declared and the National Guard activated after the US city of Baltimore, Maryland erupted in violence on Monday.

Maryland Governor, Lawrence Hogan declares state of emergency in Baltimore as protests grow violent. Hundreds of rioters looted shops and burned buildings following the funeral of a 25-year-old black man called Freddie Gray who died after he was injured in police custody.

At least 15 police officers were injured in direct confrontations with the gangs of black youths. Maryland Governor Lawrence Hogan announced the emergency measures including the imposition of a curfew beginning Tuesday night.

“I’ve not made this decision lightly. The National Guard represents a last resort in order to restore order. Look, people have the right to protest and express their frustration, but Baltimore city families deserve peace and safety in their communities.”

Gray’s death latest at the hands of police.

Freddie Gray was arrested on April 12 when he fled from police in a high crime area. He was carrying a switchblade knife, and he was put inside a transport van to be taken to a police station.

At some point, Gray suffered a spinal injury that led to his death a week later. Two officers have been accused of failing to belt him into his seat securely and of not giving him timely medical attention.

Gray’s death has sparked days of street protests and raised tensions in Baltimore. His family however has condemned the violence.

The killing of several unarmed black men by white police officers in recent months and decisions by grand juries not to indict the officers have triggered large-scale protests across the United States.

Watch Breaking News on CNN with Closed Captions - http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/27/us/baltimore-unrest/index.html

See the photos - Powerful Images From The Baltimore Riots

Oldest Deaf Woman In The United States

VIDEO [CC] - Meet Agatha Chizek, the oldest Deaf woman in the United States or World?!

Very special interview with a wonderful amazing lady in American Sign Language by Shelly Hansen. Agatha Chizek share stories including pictures about her life experiences over the years.

Agatha Chizek has become the oldest Deaf to have ever lived after reaching the grand old age of 108. She born in Germany in 1907, is the oldest living Deaf woman in the United States. Please share with others! Thanks!

List of the oldest people in the world:

List of the verified oldest women

List of the verified oldest people

Oldest person ever | Guinness World Records

Follow Shelly Hansen:

Subscribe - https://youtube.com/Shelllium/

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Linkin - https://linkedin.com/pub/shelly-hansen/10/141/409

Google Plus - https://plus.google.com/116572816409284448635/posts

Website - http://www.eyesign.org/

Senin, 27 April 2015

Deaf Justice In Detroit

VIDEO [CC] - Deaf people are serving as jurors in courts across the area of Detroit, Michigan.

DETROIT (WXYZ) - Justice is supposed to be blind, but what if it’s also Deaf? The 7 Investigators have learned that jurors who are Deaf are serving on juries more and more.

Judges say in the past, Deaf jurors usually did not make it onto a jury to render a verdict. They’re thrilled that the courts are becoming more inclusive, and as we discovered, Deaf jurors are also changing the dynamics of deliberations.

Inside the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice in downtown Detroit, judges hold more than 500 jury trials every year. In this recent armed robbery trial, not everyone inside Judge Timothy Kenny’s courtroom could actually hear the witnesses.

That’s because for the first time in more than 18 years on the bench, Judge Kenny had the opportunity to seat a Deaf juror to help decide this case.

Watch Detroit WXYZ with Closed Captions - HERE.

“I think it’s important for people who do have disabilities to think that this is not a segment of their life that they’re shut out from,” said Judge Kenny.

The court had two highly trained and certified sign language interpreters ready to go the day Juror #13 arrived for jury duty. University Translators Services provided the interpreters for the trial.

They are sworn in and the judge gives them clear instructions that when they’re interpreting inside the jury room for deliberations: they can never express their own views on the evidence.

“They recognize that's what their role is, and they’re not there to provide any editorial comment,” said Judge Kenny.

After 4 days of testimony, juror #13 - the Deaf juror was chosen to deliberate with 11 others. They found the defendant in this case not guilty. “I think every Deaf person has the ability to serve on a jury,” said Leah Scarpace. Read more wxyz.com/news/local-news/investigations/more-and-more-deaf-jurors-are-serving-in-local-courts

Rikki Poynter In British Deaf News Magazine

VIDEO [CC] - Rikki Poynter in British Deaf News Magazine by British Deaf Association.

Rikki Poynter, who is a hard of hearing also known The Deaf Side of Things, the vlogs about Deaf-related issues and campaigns for all vloggers.

Rikki posted on YouTube and sharing the community about the Britain's leading Deaf magazine, British Deaf News, by Dot Miles, to guest interviewee, Rikki Poynter (page 16) ... writings about her life that consists of child abuse, abuse during her adult years, and being Hard of Hearing in a hearing dominated society, what it's like to live as a being Deaf and socializing with hearing people.

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British Deaf Association

356 Holloway Road

London, N7 6PA


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Follow Rikki Poynter:

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Related Post of Rikki Poynter:

Shit Hearing People Say About Deaf People

Being Deaf and Socializing

Rikki Poynter In British Deaf News Magazine

Kamis, 23 April 2015

Deaf Baby - The Education Video For New Parents

VIDEO [CC] - How do medical professionals talk to new parents ?

The video producer by Ouinn Donover also known as parent advocacy posted on YouTube to educate hearing parents with Deaf babies and toddlers.

If your child has been diagnosed with severe hearing loss, we are sorry. Your baby is Deaf, so you will need to communciate with baby in a visual way, through sign language, simply as that. Baby's deafness will not limit their ability to do whatever the baby wants in life.

Edit: The video describes American Sign Language as a visual language, but that is not to say that ALL people who use ASL access it visually.

Many thanks for a part of this video:

Mollina Stevens

Armando Nunez

Izumi Takizawa

David King

Brian LLanes.

Causes of Deafness:

There are many reasons why a child can be born Deaf or become Deaf early in life. It is not always possible to identify the reason. This section lists many of the common reasons. There is information on possible causes that happen before a child is born and those that happen at birth or afterwards.

Causes before birth (pre-natal causes) - Many children are born Deaf because of a genetic reason. Deafness can be passed down in families even though there appears to be no family history of deafness. Sometimes the gene involved may cause additional disabilities or health problems.

Deafness can also be caused by complications during pregnancy. Illnesses such as rubella, cytomegalovirus (CMV), toxoplasmosis and herpes can cause a child to be born Deaf. There is also a range of medicines, known as ototoxic drugs, which can damage the hearing system of a baby before birth. Read more: http://deafchildworldwide.info/childhood_deafness/causes_of.html

Related Post of Hearing Parents With Deaf Children:

Interview With Hearing Parents Of A Deaf Son

Educate Hearing Parents of Deaf Children

Early Language Acquisition of Deaf Babies

Deaf Awareness: One Deaf Child

American Sign Language For Babies & Toddlers

Cochlear Implants Is NOT A Cure !

Why Is It Important To Learn Sign At Birth For Deaf Child ?

Educating Hearing People About The Deaf World

American Sign Language Effects On The Brain

VIDEO [CC/Signed] - Deaf children need adequate communication to develop a healthy brain, experts say.

DHN's coverage story of the education and communication skills for Deaf children in the United States of America. Experts tell us how the brain works when it doesn't develop properly and when it does.

Their solution? Giving Deaf children access to both American Sign Language and English leads to healthy development and should be part of every child's learning process from day one. Next week we meet two women who did just that.

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DHN is a place where everyone can get the news in the language that suits them best, whether they are Deaf or Hearing. DHN is a news agency and incorporate American Sign Language, spoken English and captions into each broadcast.

Let's Connect Deaf and Hearing Network:

Website: www.WatchDHN.com

Facebook: www.faceBook.com/WatchDHN

Twitter: www.twitter.com/DHN_News

Subscribe: www.youtube.com/DHNNews

Related DHN News:

Deaf and Hearing News - Deaf Family

Deaf Mom Dances With Hearing Son Goes Viral

Deaf Chef 2014 - Kurt Irish Chef Ramborger

Deaf Domestic Violence #WhoWillAnswer

Deaf Talent & Hollywood Controversy

Deaf Culture Series: Interview With Guthrie Nutter

American Sign Language Effects On The Brain

CODA Trolls Deaf Mother

VIDEO: English Subtitles - Video clip of the Dutch documentary - A boy (Tristan) trolls his Deaf mother.

The documentary about a boy (Tristan) shows us the perks that come with having Deaf parents. "You Should Hear" is a documentary from Netherlands about Children of Deaf Adults, often known by the acronym "CODA", is a person who was raised by Deaf parents.

Ten year old Tristan’s family is a little different from the others. Both of his parents are Deaf but Tristan and his sister have a normal hearing. Tristan’s father wants to become the coach of his son’s soccer team but everybody thinks it is impossible. Tristan finds him the best coach there is. He even plays in Dutch Deaf team.

Source - See the full documentary: Dutch Documentary

Related Dutch Documentary:

The Pigeonhole Man & The Deaf Community

CODA Trolls Deaf Mother

Deaf Travelling In Ruth's Gap Year

VIDEO [CC] - Deaf vloggers: Travelling in my gap year using BSL.

National Deaf Children's Society - 22-year-old Ruth tells how easy it was for her to travel even though her first language is British Sign Language (BSL). Meet other Deaf teens like Ruth on The Buzz website: http://youngpeople.ndcsbuzz.org.uk/

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The Buzz website is the only website for Deaf children and young people in the UK. We are the leading charity dedicated to creating a world without barriers for deaf children and young people. Find out more about our work on our website http://www.ndcs.org.uk

Follow National Deaf Children's Society:

Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/ndcs.uk

Twitter page http://www.twitter.com/ndcs_uk

Senin, 20 April 2015

DeafFriendly - Society/Culture Website

VIDEO [CC/Signed] - Deaffriendly.com - You have choices, make the right one! Where members of the Deaf, and Deaf-Blind community rate and review businesses based on Deaf-Friendliness.

Deaffriendly.com is the new face of crowd sourcing: Bringing awareness to Deaf-Friendly businesses, and corrective feedback to Deaf-Challenged businesses. Reviewers fit a number of categories: Deaf, Deaf-Blind, Hard of Hearing, friends/family of the Deaf and those with a special interest in creating a Deaf-Friendly world.

Our philosophy is simple: Businesses are as plentiful as oxygen, so why not make sure you have plenty of awesome choices? During your daily activities (shopping, banking, eating out), you’re either going to come across a Deaf-Friendly business or you’re not. Sharing your insight is what slowly improves both your experience as a consumer and the businesses customer service. Unlike mystery shopping, as a Deaf consumer, you make “Deaf Reviews” everyday of your life.

Now, you can share your experiences on a much-needed public #deaffriendly platform. We invite you to join us on our mission to create a Deaf-Friendly world. By writing consumer reviews, we can increase Deaf-Friendliness in millions of businesses across the nation. Visit us for more details - http://deaffriendly.com

Follow DeafFriendly:

Subscribe - https://youtube.com/deaffriendlyUSA

Facebook - https://facebook.com/deafREVIEW

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Instagram - https://instagram.com/deaffriendly/

Linkedin - https://linkedin.com/company/deafreview

Official Site - http://deaffriendly.com

Research and Influence of Business Friendly:

The Most (And Least) Business Friendly States - Forbes

These Are The Most Business-Friendly Countries - Business

How Business-Friendly Is Your State? Check Out These Rankings

Deaf Culture Series: Interview With Guthrie Nutter

VIDEO [CC/Signed] - Take Deaf Culture, Humor and Youtube - Mix It All Together and You Get ?

DHN's coverage of the interview with Guthrie Nutter in American Sign Language. He is just one of the millions of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people who've experience silly questions or wrong assumptions.

He's decided to take all of that and create a popular YouTube series. Below is the exclusive on his next episode: "Ways of Getting A Deaf Person's Attention."

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A top 5 introduction to Deaf Culture webisode the educational comedy ASL versions, See all videos - Deaf Culture Webisode By Guthrie Nutter

Follow Guthrie Nutter:

IMDb Info - Guthrie Nutter - IMDb

Twitter - https://twitter.com/guthrienutter

Offical site - http://guthrienutter.com/

Let's Connect Deaf and Hearing Network:

Website: www.WatchDHN.com

Facebook: www.faceBook.com/WatchDHN

Twitter: www.twitter.com/DHN_News

Subscribe: www.youtube.com/DHNNews

Related DHN News:

Deaf and Hearing News - Deaf Family

Deaf Mom Dances With Hearing Son Goes Viral

Deaf Chef 2014 - Kurt Irish Chef Ramborger

Deaf Domestic Violence #WhoWillAnswer

Deaf Talent & Hollywood Controversy

Deaf Culture Series: Interview With Guthrie Nutter

American Sign Language Effects On The Brain

Sabtu, 18 April 2015

The Human Right To Language For Deaf Children

VIDEO: Signed - Rethinking LRE: The Human Right To Language for Deaf Children.

Rethinking Language-Rich Environment by Brenda J. Falgier. The video bases its dicussion on "The Human Right to Language" by Mr. Siegel.

Gallaudet University Press has published, "The Human Right To Language," by NDEP's founder and director, Lawrence M. Siegel who created the Statement of Principle in which he argued that the educational delivery system in America must be "communication-driven" for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students, proposes in his new book that current special education law violates the 1st and 14th Amendment rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children.

Brenda Falgier's discussion is based on Lawrence M. Siegel argument regarding the First Amendment in safeguarding the human right to language for Deaf children.

Reference: Siegal, L. M. (2008). The human right to language: Communication access for Deaf children. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.

Deaf Talent & Hollywood Controversy

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO [CC] - Deaf News: Avenged filmmakers respond to not using Deaf Talent.

Coverage of the #DeafTalent campaign, DHN caught up with the men behind Avenged. They discuss why they didn't use Deaf talent and the recent controversy around their movie.

DHN is a place where everyone can get the news in the language that suits them best, whether they are Deaf or Hearing. DHN is a news agency and incorporate American Sign Language, spoken English and captions into each broadcast.

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.
Related #DeafTalent:

#DeafTalent Deaf Roles Are Meant For Deaf Actors

Let's Connect Deaf and Hearing Network:

Website: www.WatchDHN.com

Facebook: www.faceBook.com/WatchDHN

Twitter: www.twitter.com/DHN_News

Subscribe: www.youtube.com/DHNNews

Related DHN News:

Deaf and Hearing News - Deaf Family

Deaf Mom Dances With Hearing Son Goes Viral

Deaf Chef 2014 - Kurt Irish Chef Ramborger

Deaf Domestic Violence #WhoWillAnswer

Deaf Talent & Hollywood Controversy

Deaf Culture Series: Interview With Guthrie Nutter

American Sign Language Effects On The Brain

Rabu, 15 April 2015

DeafNation Expo 2016 - Let’s All Get Together!

VIDEO: Signed - Let's break the record and bring in thousands of Deaf people! Free admission to world largest Deaf events by DeafNation in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The DeafNation World Expo is back, and this time it’s bigger and better than ever! The largest event for the Deaf on the planet is returning to Las Vegas in 2016 for another successful show.

More than 40,000 people came in 2010 & 2012, and the Paris Las Vegas is the perfect venue to break the attendance record with an even larger crowd in 2016!

Kevin Iombie, a Deaf vlogger who enjoys doing random videos to remember by years later. Love to travel, also love take photos. He never went to Deaf Expo in his life and there is many people who would love to meet him in person. He delight would love to meet them in the sin city as well.

He think it is time to break his virginity with DeafNation Expo. So let's break the record and bring in thousands of Deaf/HoH people to attend to DeafNation World Expo in Las Vegas at Paris Hotel! Source

You can register at http://deafnation.com/dnwe/

Highly encourage to mark yourself to attend on Facebook so your friends will see and it encourages them to go as well. https://www.facebook.com/events/lasvegas/deafnationworld

Follow DeafNation Expo:

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/events/lasvegas/deafnationworld

Facebook - https://facebook.com/deafnation

Twitter - https://twitter.com/deafnation

Official Site - http://deafnation.com

Follow Kevin Iombie:

Subscribe - https://youtube.com/iombie

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Tumlr - http://iombie.tumblr.com

Personal Site - http://iombie.com

House/Pet Sitter Owner - http://housepawsitter.com

Deaf Women United - Non-Profit Organization

VIDEO [CC] - Deaf Women United, and organization that is of, for and by Deaf women is at the forefront of these changing times.

Deaf Women United (DWU) are an organization that focuses on advocacy, education and outreach. Deaf communities are scattered throughout the country, which makes networking critically important for exchanging of information, empowerment and enhancement in the quality of lives for all Deaf women.

Deaf Women United is committed to continuing a community of support of Deaf women from all walks of life. You can play a significant role in assuring the success of our mission to promote the lives of Deaf women through empowerment, enrichment, and networking.

Founded in 1985, Deaf Women United has provided in the last few decades one of the most significant changes in our country’s perception of Deaf women. Women in the general society as well as in Deaf communities have assumed important responsibilities and are key people in making things better. Even so, historically, successful Deaf women did not make front-page headlines, nor were they been recognized in their lines of work.

That is where Deaf Women United has made a difference. The impact of the formed DWU was immediate, and its efforts long overdue. Today, DWU’s numbers are more than half a thousand strong and it is the leader in the grassroots Deaf women’s movement. DWU members are your neighbors and friends. They’re Deaf women active in your local communities.

Visit us for more details http://www.dwu.org

Follow Deaf Women United:

Subscribe - https://youtube.com/DeafWomenUnited

Facebook - https://facebook.com/DeafWomenUnited

Facebook Conference - https://facebook.com/DWU2015Conference

Twitter - https://twitter.com/DeafWomenUnited

Official Site - http://www.dwu.org

Selasa, 14 April 2015

i Deaf News - ASL Deaf Pride Parade By AFA

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO [CC] - ASL Deaf Pride Parade by AFA - Washington, DC, April 10, 2015. Filmed by i Deaf News.

Audism Free America hosts an event, American Sign Language & Deaf Pride Parade on April 10, 2015, Washington DC.

Thousands of Deaf people gathered at front of Gallaudet University at 11am to set up the parade and march down toward to Lincoln Memorial Park and it takes about 3.5 between 4 miles.

Lincoln Memorial Park and opening to celebrate ASL & Deaf Pride at 2:30pm. The event such as variety presenters, skits, chants, spirits, and sharing our stories to inspire our ASL & Deaf Pride as Human and Linguistic rights.

Video by i DEAF NEWS on Vimeo.

Follow i Deaf News:

Subscribe https://vimeo.com/iDeafNews

Facebook - https://facebook.com/iDeafNews1

Official Site - http://iDeafNews.com

Follow Audism Free America:

Subscribe - https://youtube.com/AudismFreeAmerica

Facebook - https://facebook.com/pages/Audism-Free-America

Twitter - https://twitter.com/endaudism

History of the Deaf Americans - Through Deaf Eyes - Documentary Film

Related Post:

ASL & Deaf Pride Parade 2015 At Washington DC

ASL & Deaf Pride Parade 2015 In DC

i Deaf News - ASL Deaf Pride Parade By AFA

Minggu, 12 April 2015

ASL & Deaf Pride Parade 2015 In DC

VIDEO [CC] - Thousands people attended ASL & Deaf Pride Parade 2015 in Washington DC.

Audism Free America hosts an event, American Sign Language & Deaf Pride Parade on April 10, 2015 at Washington DC.

Thousands of Deaf people gathered at front of Gallaudet University at 11am to set up the parade and march down toward to Lincoln Memorial Park and it takes about 3.5 between 4 miles.

Lincoln Memorial Park and opening to celebrate ASL & Deaf Pride at 2:30pm. The event such as variety presenters, skits, chants, spirits, and sharing our stories to inspire our ASL & Deaf Pride as Human and Linguistic rights.

Video by i DEAF NEWS on Vimeo.

Event Interviews:

Direct to DeafVIDEO.TV ASL vlog: ASL Deaf Pride Parade in DC

History of the Deaf Americans - Through Deaf Eyes - Documentary Film

Follow Audism Free America:

Subscribe - https://youtube.com/AudismFreeAmerica

Facebook - https://facebook.com/pages/Audism-Free-America

Twitter - https://twitter.com/endaudism

Related Post:

ASL & Deaf Pride Parade 2015 At Washington DC

i Deaf News - ASL Deaf Pride Parade By AFA

ASL & Deaf Pride Parade 2015 In DC

Glide - Video Messaging In The Deaf Community

VIDEO [CC/Signed] - #YourGlideStory: Next generation video messaging in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.

#YourGlideStory - Over the past few months, you've let us know that Glide is the best way to communicate visually, and we're extremely grateful to all of our users in the Deaf/HoH community for their continued support.

Glide is a video messenger that allows you to send and receive video messages that can be seen live (as you're recording) or later (like a text message).

There are already loads of great video chat apps out there. We're not trying to replace them, we are giving people a more convenient way to keep in touch through video that doesn't need scheduling. Traditional video chat requires you and your friends to be online at the same time, which isn't always possible. The great thing about Glide is that you can send or watch a message whenever you want, regardless of whether your friends are online.

Glide is a private messaging service. Only friends in the chat you send a message to will see it. You and your friends can also share messages from Glide to social networks and friends outside the app. Sending messages to Glide users anywhere in the world is 100% free.

Keep up with us:

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Big thanks to all of the #DeafTalent!


Producer & Director

Jules Dameron (Deaf)

Interviewees: (all Deaf)

Gabriel Silva

Jules Dameron

Dickie Hearts

Rosa Lee Timm

Odunayo Akintomide

Director of Photography

Jules Dameron (Deaf)

Head of Communications & Interpreter Coordinator

Martha Villar


Kailyn Aaron-Lozano (Deaf)

Sound Recorder & Mixer

Leonardo Nasca

Makeup Artist

Kaila Borne

Anthony King

First Assistant Camera

Key Grips

Arleta Meeker (Deaf)

Quinn Cooke (Deaf)


Sarah Snow

Jules Dameron

Craft & Catering Services

Matt Reinig (Deaf)

Thanks to CSUN Volunteer Interpreting Services.

#DeafTalent Deaf Roles Are Meant For Deaf Actors

VIDEO [CC/Signed] - #DeafTalent - Hollywood, stop hiring hearing actors for Deaf roles. Deaf people have the right to represent themselves!

As a result of this #DeafTalent campaign, the world will have a much better understanding of the Deaf community’s standpoint on not allowing Deaf roles to be given out to hearing people. Many people do not realize that they have been oppressing Deaf actors for many years now.

We hope that this new awareness will also create many more job opportunities for Deaf people all over, both in front and behind the camera, as well as other places. We believe that this campaign will ignite many new discussions and ideas and help cause a shift in societal awareness. To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

Huffington Post - The #DeafTalent hashtag began making waves after a NY Daily News interview with Catalina Sandino Moreno raised red flags in the Deaf community. Moreno, a hearing actress, was cast to play a Deaf woman in the leading role of her new film Medeas. But in the NYDN interview, it became clear that Moreno has had very little exposure to deafness or Deaf culture.

Over the past couple weeks, the #DeafTalent movement spread like wildfire across social media. Using this hashtag, members of the Deaf community publicly spoke out against the cultural appropriation of deafness in movies and TV. With so many talented Deaf/HoH performer working to catch their big break in Hollywood, it is inexcusable that hearing actors and actresses continue being cast for these roles.

Deaf parts belong to Deaf performers - people who understand the experience of hearing loss and can accurately portray Deaf characters. Just as blackface is not an acceptable way to depict a black character, having a non-Deaf actor pretend to be Deaf is irresponsible, unethical, and offensive... Read more: huffingtonpost.com/lydia-l-callis/lets-see-more-deaftalent-html

Follow #DeafTalent:

Apply for the #DeafTalent database here: http://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/deaftalent

Apply to this form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/deaftalent

Subscribe - https://youtube.com/channel/deaftalent

Facebook - https://facebook.com/deaftalentnow

Twitter - https://twitter.com/deaftalent

PlusGoogle - https://plus.google.com/explore/DeafTalent

ASL Music Video - Bruno Mars 'The Lazy Song'

VIDEO [CC] - This is an American Sign Language version of Bruno Mars’ “The Lazy Song” made accessible to native ASL users.

This ASL music video was created with a 100% Deaf cast and crew. All of the performers in this music video are also a part of Deaf West’s “Spring Awakening.” We did this out of love and support for #DeafTalent everywhere who are always in need of job opportunities in the entertainment industry.

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.
Directed & Edited by

Jules Dameron

Produced by

Nick Zerlentes

Director of American Sign Language

Kailyn Aaron-Lozano

Choreography by

Joey Antonio

Production Design by

Joshua Castille


Miles Barbee

Sandra Mae Frank

Amelia Hensley

Karla Gutierrez

Joshua Castille

Treshelle Edmond

Joey Antonio


This video is not monetized. We do not own any rights to Bruno Mars’ “The Lazy Song.”

Filmed in April 2015

Deaf Culture Webisode By Guthrie Nutter

VIDEO [CC] - The Deaf Culture webisode series in ASL.

The video producer by Guthrie Nutter also known as American Sign Language educator, actor, tornado chasing and climbing the mountains of the Pacific Northwest.

A top 5 introduction to Deaf Culture webisode the educational comedy ASL versions, Guthrie shared on YouTube social networking for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. All Deaf culture webisode with captioning has been enabled for all audiences to activate this feature, press the "CC" button on the lower right.

Deaf Culture Webisode Teaser - A top 5 introduction to Deaf culture teaser.

Deaf Culture Webisode #1 - Things that hearing people do to Deaf...

Deaf Culture Webisode #2 - Common myths about Deaf people.

Deaf Culture Webisode #3 - Deafness Is Awesome!

Deaf Culture Webisode #4 - Getting Attention.

Deaf Culture Webisode #5 - Funny Questions.

That's all folks!

Follow Guthrie Nutter:

Subscribe https://youtube.com/tectonicstorm

IMDb Info - Guthrie Nutter - IMDb

Twitter - https://twitter.com/guthrienutter

Offical site - http://guthrienutter.com/

Related Post:

Deaf Culture Series: Interview With Guthrie Nutter

Selasa, 07 April 2015

Deaf Web-Sites AdBlock Controversy

VIDEO: This ASL video to raise awareness of the impact AdBlock has on Web-sites's and Advertiser's of the Deaf social networking community.

What DeafRebel.com owner want to make clear more than anything is that this video is not directly against adblock users. This is not trying to tell you to disable it or that you are a bad person for using it. There has just been a lot of controversy with adblock and many other blogs and vlogs making videos about its impact.

The 2 cents about adblock and its impact on sites in an ethical way. Also discuss a bit on how making money on sites works to help people understand all sides of the adblock dilemma since it is a bit deeper than "Disable it so the web-sites can make more money" that the real problem - it punishes people that disable adblock and really creates unnecessary revenue gains.

Overall ads are how you make money on web-site and adblock impacts that. It's understandable that websites need to make money from non-intrusive ads. People can't survive by working for free. When you view your favorite content providers or favorite websites, please turn off your adblockers, simply as that.

This is really a big deal and needs to have something done soon! Please help raise awareness, give the video a like, comment, do whatever you need to do to spread the word, and as always.

Deaf vloggers responses has reacted to a video showing on DeafVIDEO.TV/#Comments

Follow Deaf Rebel:

Facebook - https://facebook.com/pages/deaf-rebel/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/deafrebels

Official site - http://deafrebel.com

Through Deaf Eyes - Documentary Film

VIDEO [CC] - The 90 minute production for PBS: History "Through Deaf Eyes" will take a look at Deaf culture from the 19th century to the present in the United States of America.

Through Deaf Eyes is a two-hour HDTV documentary for PBS exploring nearly 200 years of Deaf life in America. The film presents the shared experiences of American history family life, education, work, and community connections from the perspective of Deaf citizens.

Interviews include community leaders, historians, and Deaf Americans with diverse views on language use, technology and identity. Bringing a Deaf cinematic lens to the film are six artistic works by Deaf media artists and filmmakers.

Poignant, sometimes humorous, these films draw on the media artists' own lives and are woven throughout the documentary. But the core of the film remains the larger story of Deaf life in America - a story of conflicts, prejudice and affirmation that reaches the heart of what it means to be human.

Through Deaf Eyes does not approach the topic of deaf history from the perspective of sentimentality or overcoming, nor does it deny the physical reality of being deaf.

The documentary takes a straight-forward look at life for people who are part of the cultural-linguistic group who use American Sign Language and often define themselves as "Deaf" with a capital, and cultural, "D" and deaf people who, for a variety of reasons, do not identify with the Deaf cultural community.

The history often shows that intersections between deaf and Deaf people are many and that oppression and discrimination are common experiences. Source

Directors: Diane Garey, Lawrence R. Hott

Writers: Ken Chowder, Jack R. Gannon, Tracey Salaway

Stars: Linda Gabriel, Stockard Channing, Ed Chevy, See full cast and crew

Order or Rent TV Movie "Through Deaf Eyes"

History Through Deaf Eyes - Gallaudet University

Through Deaf Eyes (TV Movie 2007) - IMDb

Amazon.com: Through Deaf Eyes

Through Deaf Eyes for Rent on DVD - Netflix DVD

Senin, 06 April 2015

Mind Blowing Facts About 'The Simpsons'

VIDEO: You're going to love this ridiculously amazing facts about The Simpsons, all in one place.

Things you didn't know about 'The Simpsons' facts. The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a satirical depiction of a middle class American lifestyle epitomized by the Simpson family, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.

The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield and parodies American culture, society, television, and many aspects of the human condition. Here's things you didn't know about 'The Simpsons' facts ... enjoy!

107 Simpsons Facts video - ToonedUp is back with an episode about the most famous family on television: The Simpsons! We've compiled over one hundred facts that span the entirety of the show's 25 year run from hidden easter eggs to behind-the-scenes secrets!

The Simpsons have predicted the future and we haven’t noticed it - The Simpsons has taken historical, cultural, and political people and events and turned them into the butts of the longest-running satire in television history. Most of the time they're making fun of something that just happened, but what about all those times when The Simpsons created it first? The Simpsons Have Predicted The Future

Does this mean the show can predict the future? 11 Predictions About 2010 That the Simpsons Got Right

The Simpsons Family History - So you think you know The Simpsons? Well, think again! The Simpsons Family History unravels 25 years of Simpsons facts and fun and presents them in a never-before-seen chronological format.

Travel through time with Matt Groening as he pulls back the curtain and reveals the events that turned this average family into a pop-culture phenomenon. http://simpsonsfamilyhistory.com

A Complete History of The Simpsons in Games - This every video game appearance of America's most famous family, The Simpsons. Video games based on the series have reached multiple platforms since their debut in 1991.

The Simpsons' first video game release, The Simpsons Arcade Game, developed and published by Konami, saw a release on the Commodore 64 and DOS, while Bart vs. the Space Mutants (1991), developed by Imagineering, expanded the franchise into new platforms, including the Amstrad CPC, NES and Master System.

Related Post:

The Simpsons Have Predicted The Future

Maggie Simpson In 'The Longest Daycare'

Mind Blowing Facts About 'The Simpsons'

Jumat, 03 April 2015

Deaf Man Is Convicted Of Murdering His Girlfriend

Exclusive: Deaf Harlem man convicted of fatally stabbing girlfriend 38 times in New York City.

NEW YORK POST - It took a Manhattan jury less than two hours Friday to convict a Deaf Harlem man of murder for stabbing his Deaf girlfriend 38 times then stuffing her corpse into the bottom of a 55 gallon drum.

After a gruesome month-long trial, jurors deliberated for an hour and half before finding Bismark Lithgow, 26, guilty of killing Francis Pellerano Feb 28 of 2013.

The barrel where the body his girlfriend was found.

Lithgow became increasingly controlling after Pellerano moved into his Harlem apartment he shared with his grandmother, and accused her of cheating, prosecutor Ryan Hayward argued at trial.

As revenge for the perceived betrayal, Lithgow viciously butchered the petite brunette, wrapped her tiny body into a sheet then stuffed it into the bottom of the blue drum.

Pellerano’s corpse festered in his room for two days until his grandmother discovered the drum’s sickening contents.

The defense conceded that Lithgow committed the heinous crime but argued he was in a state of extreme emotional disturbance caused by a frigid mother and brain damage from a childhood illness.

He’s expected to be sentenced April 1st and faces up to life in prison... Read more: nypost.com/2015/03/06/deaf-man-convicted-of-fatally-stabbing-girlfriend-38-times/